Many people take this time to get started on home improvement projects they’ve been contemplating. With that in mind, here is some information to help assure that your home improvement project runs smoothly...
· Don’t forget to please check your clusters Environmental Review Board (ERB) Rules and Regulations first and to please submit ERB Request Forms to your designated cluster association property manager for such exterior structural work that requires it. Each cluster association owner can find their respective cluster ERB guidelines as well as contact information for their property manager on the Newtown Grant Website which is:
· When choosing a contractor, make sure they are registered with the State of Pennsylvania and they provide you their HIC (Home Improvement Contractor) number. You can check to see if a contractor is registered by going on the following website:
It’s also a good idea to check with other agencies such as the Better Business Bureau and Department of Consumer Protection before choosing a contractor.
· Make sure all required approvals and permits have been secured before you or your contractor begins work. Information and forms can be found on Newtown Township’s website or you can contact the Newtown Township Codes & Zoning Office for assistance. Don’t forget, any exterior structural work that requires and ERB submission can not start until you have received permission from your cluster association board and respective property manager.
· If your project requires digging, you or your contractor must contact PA One Call ( or dial 8-1-1) at least 3 to 10 business days before you dig – IT’S THE LAW. PA One Call will contact the utility companies to mark their lines with paint, flags or stakes. It’s important you see marked lines on your property before digging takes place so no accidents occur...keep in mind that careless digging could result in serious personal injury, environmental damage and costly delays.
· Finally, you should always make sure that all of the proper inspections are completed including a final inspection before you pay your contractor the remaining balance due upon the job’s completion. If you’re unsure what inspections have been completed, you can contact the Newtown Township Codes & Zoning Office for this information at 215-968-2800 extension at 242 or 265.