Newtown Township Public Works Department has developed a formal plan of action for snow and ice control. The following excerpts are some of the areas we find most important for you, the resident, to be informed of. Working together we believe we will be able to proactively assure a smooth operating procedure for combating winter storms. Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines and adhere to them. Ultimately, you will be helping your Township to help you. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Application of Salt to Road Surfaces
Salt and/or magnesium chloride will be applied when snow begins to lie or rain freezes on road surfaces. Salting assignments shall be in accordance with snow and ice control maps. Salting will cease when snow reaches a depth of two inches, except when salting and plowing simultaneously.
Snow Removal and Plowing
Snow plowing usually begins when the sitting snow reaches a depth of two inches, or at the discretion of the Director of Public Works. Every street within Newtown Township will be plowed to the curb, widening the street to allow for additional snow and drainage when melting begins. Snow will be plowed from roads in order of priority starting with primary, arterial, secondary and lastly cul-de-sacs. During significant snowstorms, the Public Works Department plow trucks will maintain all primary and secondary arterial routes within the township (e.g., Route 413, Linton Hill Road, Eagle Road).
PennDOT will maintain state roads such as the Newtown Bypass, Stoopville Road, and Swamp Road. For a complete list of state roads please visit our road management page. (https://newtownpa.gov/newtown-township-department-of-public-works/management-of-roads-within-newtown-township/
Our current fleet consists of 8 combination spreader and plow trucks of various sizes. In addition, the township maintains access to 3 pickup trucks and 3 tractors operated by part time staff, as well as 8 additional contract trucks.

Resident Guidelines During a Snow Storm
DO NOT shovel, blow, or push snow from driveways or sidewalks into roadways. This practice is dangerous and illegal and can leave the homeowner liable in case of an accident. Snow must be kept within the homeowner’s property limits.
DO NOT leave trash and recycle cans in roadways or near curb areas as snow from the plow may dump or damage the container. Due to weather conditions the trash hauler may not do their regular pickup days.
DO NOT leave basketball backstops at curb areas in the right-of-way. Damage has resulted to backstops and Township vehicles during snow removal. The Township is not responsible for damage to backstops.
PLEASE DO help to insure that public fire protection is maintained by shoveling snow away from fire hydrants located on or near your property.
Residents with power and gas outages or emergencies should contact PECO at 1 (800) 841-4141.
Residents are encouraged to register with Bucks County Ready Notify PA, (https://member.everbridge.net/453003085612336/login) to receive storm and news alerts. You can sign up for an account using the link to the right.

Parking During a Snow Storm
ALL vehicles must be removed from any dedicated road or street after an accumulation of one inch or greater of snow until snow has been completely removed from the entire width of the cartway and, until 24 hours after the storm. Any vehicle in violation of this law may be towed, ticketed and impounded at the discretion of the Police Department.
Snow Removal from Sidewalks
It is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner to clear the sidewalk within 24 hours after the snow has stopped falling. Snow is to be placed on the property owner’s property. Snow should NEVER be placed in the roadway.
Public Emergencies
The Township encourages residents to make known their critical needs, before the storm when roads may be impassible due to weather conditions and events. Every effort will be made to ensure your accommodate requests.
*Residents, please help to ensure fire protection is maintained by shoveling snow away from the fire hydrants location on or near your property.
*Residents with snow related concerns (i.e. extended power outages, residents with special needs, etc) please contact Newtown Emergency Management 215-968-2800 x 255